Set in the distant future, a female astronaut, shipwrecked on the long-decimated Earth, must decide the fate of the wasteland's remaining populace. Set in the distant future, a female astronaut, shipwrecked on the long-decimated Earth, must decide the fate of the wasteland's remaining populace.详情
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主演:伊萨克·亨普斯特德-怀特 Isaac Hempstead-Wright,查里斯·丹斯 Charles Dance,John C. Bradley,罗恩·多纳基 Ron Donachie,伊恩·麦克尔希尼 Ian McElhinney,肖恩·宾 Sean Bean,米歇尔·费尔利 Michelle Fairley,艾米莉亚·克拉克 Emilia Clarke,伊恩·格雷 Iain Glen,基特·哈